January 31, 2010

Matchbook Notebook Craft Project

I did this simple project with the kids the other day and they turned out sooo cute. I cut pieces of cardstock the size of an open matchbook, folded a lip at the bottom and inserted a few pieces of cut copy paper squares, punched a tiny hole through the lip and pieces of paper (i bought a special small punch at Michaels) and insterted a scrapbook binder clip (I got a package at the dollar store) and folded the top over to slip into the flap. Then cut some pictures out of magazines and glued them on the front, some I stamped witha cute "friend" stamp. The boys loved them and it was pretty quick.


  1. I am having a little girls scrapbook party and will make this part of the day! Thanks for the idea. We made pinatas over winter break. I will get together instuctions and pictures to share! Great Fun!

  2. I have been wanting to do something with a paper mache project. I will look forward to it!

  3. My kids loved the ones that Jack and Hudson gave them at the meeting!
