March 27, 2011

Grace Aberdean

I forgot to tell you the name of the store downtown, it's called Grace Aberdean and the girl that runs it - Jamie is really nice, is very open to new and unique art. It's just a great place to get creative juices flowing. They have a featured artist the first Friday of each month. This month it's a painter, she's really good even her "doodles" are wonderful. Go to and check out her blog site to see the details. Jennifer and I just put our things there today, we will be introduced in April so go check us and everyone else out. I'll post some pictures soon. Have a good Monday everyone! Laurel

March 25, 2011

New jewelry store

Ha! does that get your attention? Good :) Just wanted you to know about this great new place to shop.

There is a wonderful new store downtown across from the old Bank of Tuscaloosa building that takes artist's works on consignment and it is FABULOUS! They have furniture made from traffic signs, vintage clothes, funky upholstered furniture, beautiful art work. Tuscaloosa doesn't have anything like this for local artists and it is so refreshing to shop in a store where everything is different - you don't have to look like everyone else and NO ONE else has your special piece.

Jennifer and I have a space there. You'll see our things, it's the "Junker's Daughters" area. We have the brand new bracelets Jenn made that are really cute. She posted them on this blog. Some cute little purses and of course jewelry.

Come see us and shop at the store. It's perfect timing for getting things you'll love.

See you there.

March 23, 2011

More Fabric Cuffs

Here are four more fabric cuffs from my latest collection of soft wearable fabric jewelry.  The first is a ballerina "Twinkle Toes" and the last is "Briny Bill", these are copies made from an old deck of Old Maid playing cards. I sure wish they made them like they used to! These are so cute ever time I wear mine, I get so many compliments on them! I will post a picture of the one I made for myself so you can see that one too.  These cuffs are $18 each if you are interested in purchasing email Jennifer for more details.

March 22, 2011

New fabric cuffs

This is my newest obsession! I love the feel of these cuffs they are light and very comfortable to wear. They are made from vintage lace and the pictures are of copies of vintage postcards and some fun old playing cards. The prices range from $16-22. I am working on more and will post them soon. If you are interested in purchasing email Jennifer for details at

Second cuff, sold

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

March 21, 2011

New Junque :)

So a few weeks ago I went to a clearance sale at this great pickers shop. The folks were cleaning out their building and any reasonable offer was considered. As you can imagine I had those heart palpitations I talked about on my last entry.
Well, ya'll I "just went to town" as we Southerns say. They were great people and as I kept adding things to my pile I thought oh well, that's what money is for! Oh my gosh I got some really great stuff. I shared some of it with my sister, Jennifer and I'm sure you'll see those treasures re-made later.
Take a look at just two of the things I bought. I would love your suggestions of what to do with the little dresser. Should I repaint it, should I just put new applique's on the doors...Tell me what you think.

And the cute little purse, would you carry it, I think I will and see what comments I get.

Ok, tell me what you think. See you later.


March 11, 2011

Welcome to Junker's Daughers

Hello, and welcome to our new blog site.
The name we have chosen is so appropriate because we are truely daughters of an original "Junker". Our father took us as girls to flea markets, garage sales and any place on the side of the road that looked like it had good junk! He was a collector too, mostly clocks and watches and became the man that people all over our area brought their broken clock to for repairing. We sure miss him.
We girls - and their are four of us - loved to go with dad junkin'. We are now obsessed with it. Our hearts beat fast when we find a good deal or a special piece. Going to an estate sale is about as good as chocolate!!
Some of us are a little more creative in re-working our pieces but the wonderful thing is that we are always willing to put the finishing touch on each others creations.
So, enjoy our site. Maybe you'll find inspiration.
